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How To Avoid Disputes Among Family Over Inheritance

Posted by Dana Law Group on December 13, 2022

If you have a loved one who has recently passed away, it is important for you to honor his or her memory. At the same time, there are a lot of final issues that you need to work out. This includes the funeral, any outstanding debts, and the issue of inheritance. Who is going to get what after your loved one passes away? It is important for you to plan ahead and minimize potential disputes.

Common Reasons Why Families Fight Over Inheritance

There are several common reasons why families fight over inheritance. Some of the biggest issues include:

  • The individual who passed away may not have had a will, meaning that it isn’t clear exactly what the person wanted to do with his or her assets.
  • There are some assets of value that cannot be divided into multiple pieces, such as the family cabin.
  • Some people may feel like they are more entitled to certain assets than others.
  • The spouses of the people in the will might also get involved in the fight.

There are several tips you can follow to minimize the chances of a dispute over inheritance.

Tips for Avoiding a Family Dispute Over Inheritance

Fortunately, as long as you plan ahead, you can minimize your chances of having a dispute over the inheritance. Some of the most important tips to follow include:

  • Always draft a will. It is critical to work with a lawyer who can help you draft a will that will specify who gets what after you pass away.
  • You need to be as specific as possible. Just because you have a will doesn’t mean it will be legally enforceable. This is another area where a lawyer can make sure there is no room for misinterpretations.
  • There is always going to be some amount of emotion when you are drawing up a will. At the same time, you should try to be as fair as possible. If someone feels slighted, they will be more inclined to contest the will, which could lead to a contentious dispute.

You might even want to consider putting some of your assets in a trust, which can help you shield some assets from taxes when the time comes.

Contact the Dana Law Group for Help With Estate Planning

It can be heartbreaking when families turn on each other over the family inheritance. If you work with a legal professional, you can minimize the chances of this happening. We are the Dana Law Group, and it would be our pleasure to help you with all of your estate planning needs. Give us a call today for a consultation, and let us help you draft a will.